Unexpected You Episode 1 Recap

I am the type that usually watches shorter dramas, like Roof Top Prince, Moon Embbraces the Sun and etc. But the first long running drama i saw was Ojakgyo Brothers, and boy was it AWESOME! i liked its plot better than most dramas I’ve watched, and I have watched A LOT. Unexpected You is the drama that started airing right after Ojakgyo Bros. and it even recieved higher ratings than it’s preceder, so thought I would give it a try. I love it already. I want to recap it because I want people to give this drama a try. The love lines are going to be great!! there are 4 different love lines, and all of then are funny, cute and really interesting.


Terry (aka Bang Gwi Nam) and Yoon Hee Couple

The Bang Family elders

Cha Se Kwang and Bang Mal Sook couple.
Yoon Hee’s brother, and Terry’s sister

Jae Yung and Bang Yi Sook couple! THEY ARE SO FUNNY and cute!!

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